Millennials Negotiate Their Divorce Agreement Before They Get Married
The Street had a good recent article focusing on Millennials and their approach to Prenuptial Agreements. From the article - "Prenuptials...

Divorce and the Engagement Ring
JDSupra had an interesting recent article on the subject of the engagement right and in particular, what happens to it if the marriage...

The average cost of getting divorced is $15,000 in the US — but here's why it can be much higher
Business Insider had a recent article highlighting how expensive the divorce process can be. It is a well written article, but extremely...

Three reasons why you should consider getting a prenup
Business Insider had a good recent article on why you should consider a Prenup Agreement, especially if you are a Millennial - "Prenups...

10 Things You Need To Know About Prenups"
Forbes had a good article recently highlighting 10 things that are important to know about Prenuptial Agreements. Here are a few of them...

Do you need a social media prenup?
AZFamily had an interesting recent article on the subject of "Social Media Prenups" - "Have you ever argued with your partner about...

Prenuptial Agreements: Beyond the Necessary Evil
Wealth Management had a good recent article on the subject of why it seems that just mentioning the word “prenup” can evoke a negative...

How To Bring Up A Prenup Without Sounding Like A Jerk
The Huffington Post had a good recent article on the subject of "diplomacy" when discussing a Prenuptial Agreement. From the article - 1....

Sign here: Millennials increasingly seek prenups to protect their assets
There was a good recent article in The Indiana Lawyer on the subject of Millennials increasing finding Prenuptial Agreements advantageous...

Wealth Advisor Weighs-In On The Case For A Prenup
Forbes had a recent article where a Wealth Advisor shares his approach to helping clients considering a Prenup - "Lees has worked through...